We are now officially on summer break! 6 weeks... what to do, what to do? I'm sure we will fill our days up quickly. In fact, today was busy. Up to school to say goodbye to Ms. Mac- Cam's teacher this past year, and to take a look at Matthew's new classroom (Kindergarten). Then off to "Camp Hitch" for slip and slide and tie dye fun. I can not believe that Cameron has finished 1st grade and is in 2nd. Or, that Matthew is in Kindergarten. I'm pretty sure Matthew can't believe that he's in Kindergarten either. His teacher came over on Friday for his home visit- his head spent most of the time buried in my lap, except for the few minutes spent discussing Star Wars and legos. Thankfully, Mrs. Stedina is well versed in Star Wars. Cameron starts tennis lessons with his friend Riley tomorrow. I hope he enjoys it.
So, now its summer vacation... and since the word "vacation" is not part of our vocabulary until 2009, I'm not sure if we'll go anywhere. The boys are going to go camping with Ed and Lana this weekend. I will probably go to, since Eddie is on call. And the boys really want to go to North Carolina this summer, so we'll try to get over there for a few days. But with gas prices so high and limited time, we probably won't go anywhere else. Plus, Eddie is going to go to Honduras on a mission trip in July, so his vacation time is wrapped up in that. There's plenty to do around here, that's for sure. Still making decisions on the house, and there is a year worth of stuff piled up all over the place to go through and get rid of. Well, that's it for now. Ciao!
A Dramatic Color Drenched Hallway Makeover
17 hours ago
Well, hello! Nice to see you back in blogland again!
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