Jack of all trades, master of none! That's me in a nutshell.
I'm the mother to two precious gifts from God- Cameron and Matthew, and the wife to a wonderful Godly man, Eddie. I love spending time with my family, sleeping in on Saturdays, Sunday naps, and sharing craft projects and ideas with my friends.
There are so many artsy ideas I would love to try, and my craft corner of the storage room is proof that if I haven't tried it, I at least have the materials to someday.
Coloring, painting, knitting and creating are like therapy to me. They put me in a happy place. Most of the time, I suffer from a little known condition called "craftitis", and have issues with completion of projects (reference the above statement concerning my craft storage).
I recently discovered that I enjoy using power tools to build a project and then put some creativity into it. I also enjoy photography. There is something so beautiful to me about a simple black and white photograph. I plan to learn to use my fancy camera the way it was designed to, but in the mean time, I'll continue to snap a few pictures when I can.
Like I said, I love to share ideas with and get ideas from others. I think we can inspire each other's inter-artist.
I'm not sure who will read my blog, or where it will take me, but I'm ready for an adventure.
A Dramatic Color Drenched Hallway Makeover
14 hours ago