Its official- Cam's wrist is broke. It is what is called a buckle fracture, where the bone doesn't completely break, but "buckles" under compression. On the xray it looks like it is just kind of pushed out to the side. Apparently, this is common in young children because their bones are still on the soft side. Anyhow... we're off to ortho in the morning. Thankfully one of our friends will be in the office in the morning. I talked with him tonight, and Cam will probably get a cast, a waterproof one. Which will be nice because he'll be able to swim. He seems to feel alright, it is very sore and his elbow looks horrible. I'll have them check that out in the morning as well. I think he may even be a little excited about wearing a cast and having his friends sign it. I remember in grade school, I always wanted to have a cast. At lunch today, Lana said she always had wanted one too. I thought having one would be cool and I'd be the center of attention. Cameron said he didn't want any attention. That's just like him. So sweet. We didn't do much for Father's Day today. Eddie worked at home, I priced house items and the boys took it easy. Nighty, night.
A Dramatic Color Drenched Hallway Makeover
18 hours ago
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