
Friday, November 26, 2010


Only 29 days til Christmas... I read that in the paper this morning. With Thanksgiving 2010 now a recent memory, its time to focus on Christmas. Decorations, gifts, holiday spirit, pure and utter craziness for the next 29 days. I can hardly wait. Unfortunately, due to the sudden onset of a bad cold (originally, I had thought I was allergic to Eddie's cousin, Cindy, who has cats. But after the allergy pill didn't help, and a sleepless night with a lot of opened mouth breathing, I'm pretty sure its the real deal, and relieved that I'm not allergic to sweet Cindy.), all that holidaze will have to wait til I can function a little better. This is the first time I've been up today- a little Advil did the trick tonight. I'm taking advantage of the short lived feeling good and got a jump start on Christmas cards. They are ordered. Now for those of you who know me well, just because they are ordered doesn't mean that they will actually get sent out on time. I've been known to send Martin Luther King Day Christmas Cards. But I will try to do better this year ( don't hold your breath).
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I know we sure enjoyed ours. Here's a few pictures from yesterday's festivities...

boys being boys while trying to take christmas card photo

fun in the leaves

no more photos please

The Turkey Queen

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hello, My name is....

Our little dog, Chester, is always taking his own adventures throughout the neighbor and I have yet to get him an I.D. badge for his collar. I took care of that tonight. Look what I found while I was ordering something else for a gift/project I'm working on

I found it on at a shop called BowWowzerZ

Cute stuff. 

Now I feel much better knowing that should Chester take off, someone will know who to call.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Everything I ever needed to know, I learned on google

Wow! After NUMEROUS attempts and a very, very long time on the computer, I finally did it! I created my very own cool blog button! Its a proud moment. I think its pretty cool. I doubt that anyone will actually "grab my button" and post it on their blog, with only 4 followers, its highly unlikely. But just in case someone does- they'll have an extra cool button on their side bar. To find out how to add a button to your sidebar on your blog, I suggest you Google it. The power of the internet- where you can learn just about everything- good and bad. Now if I could only Google how to get my grocery shopping done without having to step foot in the actual store!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Temporary cure of Craftitis

Several posts ago (more like several years ago), I admitted that I have Craftitis- the inability to finish any craft project that I start.

I was temporarily cured and finished a few projects this fall. Take a look...

My knockoff Ballard Design Laundry Drying Rack (inspired by another blogger, and technically built by our friend, Lee, but I painted and put together)

Used my Cricut to cut out vinyl #s and put them on my jars

New Fall swags for the front door inspired by another blog (but sorry I can't remember which one)

Family Subway Art

Halloween Subway Art

Now, if I could have only finished those Halloween pillows I started that are still sitting on the dining room table. O well- guess I'll pack them up and store them until next year.