Wednesday, December 22, 2010
2010 Christmas Letter

Friday, November 26, 2010
Only 29 days til Christmas... I read that in the paper this morning. With Thanksgiving 2010 now a recent memory, its time to focus on Christmas. Decorations, gifts, holiday spirit, pure and utter craziness for the next 29 days. I can hardly wait. Unfortunately, due to the sudden onset of a bad cold (originally, I had thought I was allergic to Eddie's cousin, Cindy, who has cats. But after the allergy pill didn't help, and a sleepless night with a lot of opened mouth breathing, I'm pretty sure its the real deal, and relieved that I'm not allergic to sweet Cindy.), all that holidaze will have to wait til I can function a little better. This is the first time I've been up today- a little Advil did the trick tonight. I'm taking advantage of the short lived feeling good and got a jump start on Christmas cards. They are ordered. Now for those of you who know me well, just because they are ordered doesn't mean that they will actually get sent out on time. I've been known to send Martin Luther King Day Christmas Cards. But I will try to do better this year ( don't hold your breath).
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I know we sure enjoyed ours. Here's a few pictures from yesterday's festivities...
boys being boys while trying to take christmas card photo |
fun in the leaves |
![]() |
no more photos please |
The Turkey Queen |

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Hello, My name is....
Our little dog, Chester, is always taking his own adventures throughout the neighbor and I have yet to get him an I.D. badge for his collar. I took care of that tonight. Look what I found while I was ordering something else for a gift/project I'm working on

Saturday, November 13, 2010
Everything I ever needed to know, I learned on google
Wow! After NUMEROUS attempts and a very, very long time on the computer, I finally did it! I created my very own cool blog button! Its a proud moment. I think its pretty cool. I doubt that anyone will actually "grab my button" and post it on their blog, with only 4 followers, its highly unlikely. But just in case someone does- they'll have an extra cool button on their side bar. To find out how to add a button to your sidebar on your blog, I suggest you Google it. The power of the internet- where you can learn just about everything- good and bad. Now if I could only Google how to get my grocery shopping done without having to step foot in the actual store!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Temporary cure of Craftitis
Several posts ago (more like several years ago), I admitted that I have Craftitis- the inability to finish any craft project that I start.
I was temporarily cured and finished a few projects this fall. Take a look...

Labels: Craftitis
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Real Moms of Maryville- Episode 2
With a long list in my head, and the determination to get it all done before picking up the boys for school, I headed out to the parking lot at work yesterday. Little did I know, I would find my old pal Murphy (Law) waiting for me at the car.
Labels: RMM Episodes
Monday, October 25, 2010
Real Moms of Maryville- Episode 1
If I'm not mistaken, the definition of the term "Soccer Mom", is a middle class, suburban mom, who drives an SUV, and hauls her children here, there and everywhere. That's me to a "t". Honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way, and feel guilty if I have to rely on someone else to get the boys where they need to be or picked up. But, the reality is, I can't be in two places at once, and shouldn't even try, because Murphy's law is sure to rear its head, if I do.
Well, that's what happened yesterday...
In the attempt to pick up and drop off some paper work "real quick fast" on the way to pick the boys up from school, I ran into one of those Murphy's law situations.
Of course, I left the house with plenty of time to do all that I needed to get done and decided that Chester, our little dog, could come along for the ride. Chester likes the car. He likes to hang out in the Jeep in the driveway, or roam freely in the Buick if I'm cleaning it out. He likes to take a car ride every now and then. His stomach does not.
With that in mind, I prepared myself for the inevitable, making sure I brought along a towel, just in case. So as I'm driving through a unnamed near by neighborhood, I hear that familiar urping sound coming from the small animal in the seat next to me. I quickly start to reach for the towel to put underneath Chester's mouth, so that any and all stomach contents can be corralled and will not end up near the paper work on its way to being dropped off or the $600 camera sitting stupidly out on the car seat next to him. As I do this, my eyes divert briefly off the road in front of me and my car slightly diverts off the road as well. Into someone's pile of leaf and tree branch for pick up. Stunned and relieved it wasn't someone's mailbox, I look in the rear view mirror to make sure no one is behind me (really to make sure no one saw me) and I carefully back out of the yard and continue on my way. By now Chester is finished and I barely caught any of the vomit in the above mentioned towel.
I thought to myself- well, this must be the icing on the cake to the weekend of stress from you know where. Murphy (law) didn't agree.
I reached my drop off destination with plenty of time to spare.
I hopped out of the car, ran to the porch, deposited what I had brought, picked up what I had come to get and turned around to get back in the car. There was Chester, as cute as could be, looking at me through the window, paws on the door armrest, near the lock/unlock button. He had locked the doors.
Lovely! Car's running, radio on, oh and look at that- my cell phone is right there on the middle console. I start to panic just a little.
I'm not sure what I was thinking about at that moment, but all intelligent thinking flew out my brain. I actually tried to motion the dog to step back up on the armrest, hoping that he would step on the button again. Chester just looked at me like the crazy woman I am.
With no one home at the house I was at, neither one of the closest neighbors home either, I started walking to a friend's parent's house, who I knew lived in the neighborhood and might possibly be home. Then I started running, because when I looked at the time, I had twenty minutes to get to school to pick up the boys. Half way to the Sullivan's house, I kept hoping someone from Fort Craig would drive by, so I could tell them to tell the boys' teachers what had happened and that I would be late.
A quarter mile later, I reached the Sullivan's house, and rang the door bell. Luckily, Miss Connie was home, and let me use her phone to call school first, and then OnStar. They were able to unlock my door. I hitched a ride back to my running car and my nervous dog, got in and drove across town to get the boys- thankfully with out any more run ins with the law- Murphy's.
If some day you're listening to the radio and hear one of those OnStar commercials, listen real well. It might be the one about the lady who's dog locked her out of her running car and had to walk a mile (not really) to use a phone because it was in the car with the dog.

Labels: RMM Episodes
Saturday, October 23, 2010
New & Improved
I think I've done it!! Hooray for me! I've change the look of my blog, and added pages that have nothing on them yet.
Labels: blog redesign