Sometimes kids surprise you, don't they. This morning started off to a rough start. Today was picture day at school. And if anyone reading this knows, Matthew, while fairly photogenic, is not a big fan of having his picture made, unless I'm behind the camera. So, needless to say, when told this morning that he would be having his picture made, he was not happy. I tried to calm his "fear" by telling him that, he would just have to sit there and have one picture taken. I asked Cameron to tell him that was all he would have to do. Cameron said "well... actually you have to sit there and they have to position you on the stool, and they make sure your shirt is o.k. and they comb your hair..." then the tears came. " I don't want anyone to comb my hair...." And again, if you know Matthew, he doesn't like to be touched by people he doesn't know (remember the hug tag game in gym from a few weeks ago), and he is particular about his hair. As a toddler, he loved to have his Nan brush his hair at church and now he proudly brushes his hair every night after his shower, but for a stranger to do it, is torture. I told him I would write his teacher a note and explain to her that he was nervous and that to let the photographers know that I could care less how he looked in the picture, but that I did expect him to be big and have his picture made. In the end, that seemed to help him over this hurdle. Off to school the boys went. My day went on. Packing boxes, dealing with unprofessional, lying loan officers, etc... just another typical day, right? I picked the boys up and the first thing his teacher said to me, was that he did great at pictures, he sat so well and let them comb his hair! Surprise! Cameron is just so easy going. He could care less. Last night he had a soccer skills clinic and he did very well. And since I don't have enough on my plate, I volunteered to coach Cameron's soccer team as well (I'm also co-coaching Matthew's). Cameron was really excited and for that reason alone, I wouldn't want it any other way. I'm sure I'll have some help too.
A Dramatic Color Drenched Hallway Makeover
18 hours ago
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