Today was the first day of school for Cameron and Matthew. Cameron is now an "older" 2nd grader and Matthew is in Kindergarten. For those of you who don't know (which other than Kristen and Ed and Lana, I don't know anyone else who reads this), the boys go to Ft. Craig School of Dynamic Learning, which is a year round, multi-age level classroom school. Boy, how's that for a run on sentence? Kindergarten is one age level, B-1-2 (bridge- like junior primary, 1st and 2nd), then 3-4 (3rd and 4th grades). For now atleast- 3rd and 4th will be split up next year, when the city school system moves all 4th grade classes to the intermediate school with 5th and 6th graders- don't get me started. Our school calendar is year round- we start mid July, go 9 weeks, off 3, go 9, off 3, go 9, off 3, go 9, off 6 1/2.
Anyhow,,, I digress. Matthew started school today. He was anxious. I was anxious. I was very anxious. Since, the last day of preschool, Matthew has told us he didn't want to go to school at Ft. Craig, Wesley was just fine. He reiterated that last night and once again upon waking up this morning. Cameron, although not totally thrilled to be going back to school, especially when his other friends have " like 17 weeks off and he only has what seemed like 3 days off", was fine with it. Matthew's morning started out slow and grouchy, but then he saw his backpack and the star wars backpack charms already (and stratically attached by myself) on. Now he was excited. He put that backpack on, made sure it fit right, readily put on his tennis shoes and was out the door. He even allowed me to snap a few pictures of him, Cameron and Eddie. He did great all the way to school. What was even better is that his best friend Todd, arrived at the same time and they got to walk in together. Daddy said goodbye at the front door and the three of us walked in, waving to our friends, Gregory and Tanner, to Mrs. Cox (otherwise known as Ms. Betsy or Aunt Bet-outside the library walls) and straight down the hall to our destination. I thought to myself, Wow!! this might just be o.k. Then we hit the classroom door. Since Cameron seemed to be alright, I told him to go on in to his room (directly across the hall from Matthew- how cool is that) and that I'd stop by in a minute. Matthew hid behind me. We walked in, hugged, hugged agian, said I love yous, hugged again... and said goodbye. I think we both whimpered. I walked out and across the hall to say bye to Cam. I stood in the hallway for what seemed like a very long time. Mrs. Stedina stuck her head out the door and gave me the thumbs up. She said he got teary eyed for about a minute, then found the legos, talked to her about Disney and his friend Todd. His 3 favorite things!! He breezed through the rest of the day. Said he had fun and liked school. Whew!!! He made it, and so did I (so far- there's always next week).
Cameron said he had a good day too. He got to go to Art (his favorite) and the library. By the end of the day, they were both wiped out. Me, too! I just tried to add some photos but its not letting me. so I'll try later.
A Dramatic Color Drenched Hallway Makeover
18 hours ago
We are very proud of Cameron and Matthew for having good attitudes. Nan
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