Finally, my cards are signed, pictures printed, cards in envelopes, almost ready to hit the mailbox... Christmas/New Years/MLK/possibly Valentines cards. Late might as well be my middle name. I consider "on time" when I get there (taken from a coaster in my car)... I wish I could use a Jedi Mind Trick on those cards- that they would just automatically seal themselves and find the nearest post office- that would be so nice.
Usually, I type out a family letter, but this year, I thought I would just post it on our blog and on my facebook page. So, here it goes.
Top Ten Lessons Learned by the Kuhls in 2008
#10: When building a house, you decide on every last and littlest detail. But the one you will worry about the most, is not the color of brick you choose, but how the color of grout you picked will make that brick look.
#9: Four-wheeler accidents cause broken bones
#8: Newly repaired four-wheelers left in garages the night before garage doors are to be installed, will be stolen
#7: Go-carts apparently are the perfect replacement for stolen four-wheelers
#6: Providing medical care and teaching the Gospel to those in need, is worth withstanding the heat of Honduras
#5: Having mixed emotions about sending your youngest child to Kindergarten is very normal, especially when it takes him 3 weeks to have a tear-less morning at the classroom door.
#4: That making the annual pilgrimmage to Pinehurst has become less about playing a good round of golf, and more about spending time with your best buddy.
#3: The definition of crazy: coaching two soccer teams, moving into a new home, and starting a new job all in the same month.
#2: The best way to spend your 10th anniversary- 2 soccer practices, burgers with friends at Five Guys, a Rebels football win, and spending the very first night in your brand new home.
And the #1 Lesson learned by the Kuhls in 2008:
That we must always remember, all that we have- our shelter, our possessions, our family and friends- are blessings from God.
May God bless each of you in 2009!
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